Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Focusing on Every Bite

Someone recently asked me how I lost weight and commented that it must be a daily resolve. As a food addict, it is far more defined than that, I focus on 'One bite at a time.'

I'm surrounded with forbidden foods and it would be so easy to take one little bite. But much like an alcoholic who must avoid a drink or a crack head who has to avoid the pipe - I can't allow myself just one bite because I can't stop.

Yesterday at work someone brought in cake. It was hard to not take a bite of icing but I'm detoxing my system, it would be like tossing water on a flame.

I'm hosting meetings at work and I made certain there were allowable foods.

When I'm faced with food that tempts me, I always say, 'I need you Jesus! Come to my rescue...' I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. It totally helps!


  1. This is awesome, congrats on the weight loss and the health gains. I have recently started my quest to live healthy. I have done the low carb thing and been very successful at it. (I lost 80lbs once and the second time lost 45) But I can't make it permanent for me. My weight always came back and brought friends. I hit a high of 342 and have severe sleep problems. However your blog is sooo encouraging. I've started making better decisions on what to eat and what not to eat and use portion control and I exercise everyday. I've lost six pounds in three weeks! I feel I honor God when I take care of my body and make choices that lead to good health aka: "life" and when I make poor choices aka: Eat half a dozen doughnuts, I feed only my flesh and walk a road toward death. Like you I have purposed to stay away from cake, pies, cookies and candy like an alcoholic must stay away from booze. Again thanks for posting this blog and good luck and god bless you on your way to completing your goal!

  2. I know if I can do it, you can do it! Stay focused and don't allow "one bite" thinking to sabotage your goals. Keep me posted on your progress! And if I can encourage you in any way, please let me know!


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