Monday, September 12, 2011

Poor food choice

Yesterday I ate about 10 almonds.
It was the first time I'd had any kind of nut in 3 1/2 months.
Today my body is a bit achy, my stomach hurts and I have a swimming headache.
I am attributing the change in how I feel to the almonds.  I haven't felt this poorly in about 3 months. It really is amazing how one poor food choice can upset your body.  I used to feel horrible every single day of my life.  I'm so glad to learn what foods make me feel physically ill.
Scratch almonds off my list of foods to enjoy.  I'm pushing water today in hopes I will detoxify my system faster.

As a side note: I can eat almond flour -- so feel ill may have more to do with my stomach's ability to digest the nuts rather than the nut itself.

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Facts...

May 16, 2011:
  • Weighed in at 298 pounds.
  • A1C: 8.5 (should be 6.0 or less) - a measurement of diabetes control - mine at 8.5 was NOT controlled)
  • Insulin: 200 units per day via an insulin pump
    • Symelin Pen before meal
    • Additional insulin shots inbetween meals
  • Metformin: 3 pills per day for to treat insulin resistance (something being over weight caused)
  • Prilosec - for stomach issues
  • Blood pressure: 120/70 (with occasional spikes with stress but not bad)
  • Cholesterol: 165 - with perfect ratios
May 23, 2011 began eating low-carb, 1500 calories per day with a ratio of 60% fat; 30% lean protein; and 10% vegetable carbs (limited NET veggie carbs to 12 to 15 per day and nonvegetable carbs to 5 to 8 per day for a daily average of 20 total NET carbs per day)

September 5, 2011 (3 months and 2 weeks later)
  • Weighed in at 253 pounds -- 45 pounds lost
  • A1C: 5.8 -- total success!!
  • Insulin and pump and extra shots -- GONE no longer needed. I still check my levels every day to make certain the levels are good. My average is 90 - perfect!!
  • Metformin: Cut down to 2 pills per day
  • Prilosec: no longer needed!!
  • Blood pressure: 100/70 -- now having issues with it dipping too low - but working on keeping up my salt intake and water intake - which helps dramatically.
  • Cholesterol: 115 - with perfect ratios
Low Carb Way of Eating works!! This is a lifestyle change!
When I'm below 200 I will slowly add more LOW glycemic carbs to my diet while still losing weight.

When I reach my goal (which is around 150) I will add more LOW glycemic carbs until I'm maintaining my weight without gaining or losing.

Fitness Goal:  Participate in a 5K in September 2012!!


to Exercise!!

Walked 3 laps around the DC school which is 1 mile each lap for 3 miles in about 45 minutes!!! HUGE Victory for me!!

Food on 9/8/2011:
Breakfast:  3 eggs (w/ 1/2T Olive Oil), 3 pieces of bacon, coffee with 2 T of heavy whipping cream
Lunch: Goulash Mundy Style with 1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese (w/1/2T Olive Oil)
Dinner: 2 deviled eggs and coffee with half and half - good thing my Goulash has the day's worth of veggies in each serving, I'm just not that hungry after exercising.